Some Xilinx ISE and VHDL-Design problems (and solutions, if exist) will be listed here. 

1. ISE 14.7 Crashes on File Open (Win64 platforms)

BackupCopy <ISE>\ISE\lib\nt64\libPortability.dll to <ISE>\ISE\lib\nt64\libPortability.dll.orig

Copy <ISE>\ISE\lib\nt64\libPortabilityNOSH.dll to <ISE>\ISE\lib\nt64\libPortability.dll

This solves the same problem in Impact.

2. Impact detects no USB/Platform cable

Reinstall cable drivers;

1. Plug-in the USB cable. Open Device Manager, Uninstall Xilinx Cable Driver with remove from disk option checked.

2. Remove USB cable.

3. Execute <ISE>\ISE\bin\nt64\install_drivers.exe

4. Plug-in the USB cable and see if the cable is found.

3. Inferring a Block RAM with record type  

You want to infer BRAM of record type like;

type MyRec is record

  D: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);

  Z: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);

end record;

type MemType is array (0 to 127) of MyRec;

signal Mem: MemType;

It seems Xilinx ISE/Vivado cannot handle that. See https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/52331?language=en_US

So, you have to handle combining record members to a vector and backwards (create the record from memory output data) manually.

type MemType is array (0 to 127) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0);


(somewhere in the code)

Din <= Rec1.D & Rec1.Z;

Rec2.D <= Dout(9 downto 2); Rec2.Z <= Dout(1 downto 0);

Otherwise, synthesizer will not use a BRAMs in device but create one using slice elements (and will take too long to synthesize even if it fits in the FPGA)(I hear you say WTF?).