Research Projects



  • İnsansız Hava Araçları ile Kapalı Ortamlarda Eş Zamanlı Konumlandırma ve Haritalama, Yürütücü, BAP, 2024 - Continues.

  • Model-Based Engineering of Digital Twins for Early Verification and Validation of Industrial Systems(MATISSE), Researcher, Horizon Europe Project, 2024 - continue.
  • Çok Parçalı Yapıların Kalite Denetimine Yönelik Otonom Robotik Denetleme Yöntemi Geliştirilmesi (Development of Autonomous Robotic Inspection Method for Quality Inspection of Multi-Part Structures), Supported by TUBITAK-1001 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (122E408), Budget: 883.715TL ($47.500), Coordinator, 2022 - continue.  


  • Otomatik Sistemlerin Emniyet ve Guvenliginin Dogrulanmasi ve Gecerlenmesi (Verification and Validation of Automated Systems' Safety and Security - VALU3S), Supported by H2020-ECSEL-2019-2-RIA (876852), Budget: 127.500 Euro (ESOGU), 26 Million Euro (Total), Researcher, 01.05.2020 - continue (until 30.04.2023).


  • Ben de Robotumu Kodluyorum (I am coding my robot too), Supported by TUBITAK-4004 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (218B628), Budget: TL ($), Researcher, 2019 - 2020.


  • Cimento Tesislerinde Kullanilacak Olan Atiktan Turetilmis Yakitlarin Ozelliklerinini Belirlenmeside Proses, Cevre ve Malzeme Kalitesini Guvence Altina Alacak Bir Erken Uyari Sisteminin Gelistirilmesi icin Kimyasal Girdi Odakli Hiper Spektral Goruntuleme ve Derin Ogrenme Yontemlerinin Kullanimi (Use of Chemical Input Focused Hyper Sperctral Imaging and Deep Learning Methods for Develeoping an Early Warning System Which Sustains the Process, Environment and Material Quality Assurance for Determination of the Characteristics of Refuse Derived Fuels Which Will be Used in Cement Facilities), Supported by TUBITAK-1001 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (118Y135), Budget: 240.000TL ($60.000), Researcher, 2018 - 2021.


  • Deneysel yanik modellerinde standart derinlikte yanik yarasi olusturmak icin yeni sabit isi, sabit sure ve kontrollu temas alani ve basinci saglanarak yanik modeli tasarimi (A new experimental burn model apparatus with the speciallity of time, pressure and temperature adjustment), Supported by TUBITAK-3001 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (216S897), Budget: 51.000TL ($13.280), Researcher, 2017 - 2020.


  • Endüstriyel Robot Kolu kullanimi ile Cisimlerin 3-B Otonom Modellenmesi (Fully Automated 3-D Modeling of Objects by Using An Industrial Robot Manipulator), Supported by TUBITAK-1001 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (115E374), Budget: 272.988TL ($116.209), Coordinator, 2015 - 2017.


  • Insansi Robotlarin Tüm Vücut Kontrolü (Whole-body Control of Humanoid Robots), Supported by ESOGÜ-BAP Commission of Scientific Research Projects (A2) (2015-730, 201515A206), Budget: 25.000TL($10.642), Coordinator, 2015 - continue.


  • Capak Temizleme Islemi Yapan Endüstriyel Robot Kol Icin Yazilim Gelistirme (Development of Software for an Industrial Robot for Deburring Tasks), Supported by TÜBITAK 2241-A SANAYI ODAKLI BITIRME PROJESI, Budget: 4.000TL($1.702), Coordinator-Advisor, 2015 - 2016.


  • Kati Parcalarin 3B Modellemesi, Görsellestirilmesi ve Islem Noktasi Secimi icin Yazilim Gelistirme (Development of Software for 3D Modelling, Visualization, and Process Point Selection of Solid Objects), Supported by TÜBITAK 2241-A SANAYI ODAKLI BITIRME PROJESI, Budget: 750TL($344), Coordinator-Advisor, 2014 - 2015.


  • Insan Sayma ve Yeniden Tanimlama (Human Counting and Redefinition), Supported by TÜBITAK 2241-A SANAYI ODAKLI BITIRME PROJESI, Budget: 4.000TL($1.838), Coordinator-Advisor, 2014 - 2015.


  • Endüstriyel Robot Kollari için Otomatik Programlama Uygulamasi (Application of an Automatic Programming Method for Industrial Robot Manipulators), Supported by ESOGÜ-BAP Commission of Scientific Research Projects (A1) (2015-731), Budget: 6.750TL($2.873), Coordinator, 2015 - 2016.


  • Endüstriyel Robot Kollari için Otomatik Programlama Yöntemi Gelistirme (Development of an Automatic Programming Method for Industrial Robot Manipulators), Supported by ESOGÜ-BAP Commission of Scientific Research Projects (B) (2013-77, 201315044), Budget: 126.769TL($71.246), Coordinator, 2013 - 2015.


  • Capak Alma Robot Tasarimi (Design of an Industrial Robot Manipulator for Deburring Tasks), Supported by KOSGEB Ar-Ge,Innovation and Industrial Application Support Program, Budget: 98.080TL($52.000), Researcher, 2012 - 2014.


  • Devinik Ic Ortamlarin Tam Kapsanmasi Amaciyla Gezgin Robot Rota Planlamasi (Mobile Robot Route Planning for Complete Coverage of Dynamic Indoor Environments), Supported by TUBITAK-1001 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (107E064), Budget: 164.769TL($116.411), Researcher, 2007 - 2009.


  • Homojen Robotlardan Olusan Gezgin Robot Grubunda Dinamik Rol Dagitimiyla Görevlerin Gerceklestirilmesi (Accomplishing a given task by a homogeneous mobile robot group using dynamic role assignment), Supported by DPT State Planning Organization, Budget: --TL, Researcher, 2006 - 2008.


  • Farkli Yetenekler Sahip Robotlardan Olusan Gezgin Robot Grubunun Kontrolü (Control of a Heterogeneous Mobile Robot Groups), Supported by ESOGÜ-BAP Commission of Scientific Research Projects (B), Budget: 120.310TL($72.637), Researcher, 2003 - 2006.