Dr. Yuksel ,as a Global Young Leader, attended the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum in Kyoto, Japan.
As Turkish delegations, Prof. Evren Mutlugun, Associate Prof. Omer Aydin, and Dr. Yuksel attended the 20th Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in the Society Forum (STS Forum) in Kyoto, Japan. As a part of STS Forum, 153 Young leaders from 47 countries came together and met with the NOBEL Laureates. Dr. Yuksel had a chance to meet Prof. Imbens, Prof. Noyori, and Prof. Meldal. The 20th Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in the Society Forum started with the opening talks, and The Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Kishida delivered an opening talk.
During STS Forum afternoon meetings, there were round table discussions, and Dr. Yuksel joined the session for "Action for Net-Zero Emission". They talked about the possible scenarios and solutions for the current problems. Thomas Mason, the director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, led the discussions and the whole session.
For the second day of STS Forum morning session roundtable discussions, they discussed the "New technologies for low emission transportation." Sustainable and efficient energy technologies should be applicable for the current and future transportation systems to decrease emissions. Decarbonization for low emissions is essential.
Last day, Prof Evren Mutlugun was on the stage for a selected talk about addressing global issues and possible/sustainable solutions.
The Head of TUBITAK, Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, also attended the STS Forum to meet with other delegations and delivered a few invited talks.
Dr. Yuksel thanks TUBİTAK for the invitation and the support.